Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cain's Wife

Raising Cain"Cain lay with his wife," says the bible. I wonder what went through her mind as they made love. How do you manage to live with a man who is under God's punishment?

Cain was hidden from God's presence, a restless wanderer, a wanted man, and he went out from the presence of the Lord [Gen.4]. I cannot imagine a worse life scenario. He "restlessly" wandered on earth, aimless, and yet this young woman found him attractive. Why?

Well, I really shouldn't be surprised at what Cain's wife did--falling in love with an accursed man. I mean, just look at a lot of young women today, sleeping with men before marriage and preferring live-in arrangements than be wed before God. That, too is being accursed, and many go for it and the world sees them as smart and "mature." Some even consider it a miracle from God. 

Thus, I can imagine what probably went through the mind of Cain's wife--being herself a resident of Nod where Cain settled down. Cain found her there, and Nod meant "wanderer." People there must have just wandered around, trying this and that,  going here and there, looking for what worked and what didn't, trying out their luck. God could have given the place its name, or it was probably what Cain called it. 
Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

Imagine this guy, son of Adam and Eve--very first couple God created and lived and talked with, first hand model of God's very image and likeness, activated to life by God's own very breath! Wow! Cain must have carried such appeal! Outward appeal takes precedence over character with some women. 

I can also imagine Cain's life ambition and daring. He was a city builder [4.17]. He was an enterprising, business-like, go-getter of a man. What young girl from Nod wouldn't fall for that? He was determined to make it big. And most women fall for such type even today. "This man will be a good provider, and he is the key to my material success!" Even in church, materialism is a big factor in   courtship--how much does he make? What's his job? What's his position in the company? What's his ambition?

Honestly, if a guy were like Abel today, nothing else in mind except how to please God, with no other earthly or material ambition, we'd probably reject him in courtship, even violently, like hacking the guy to death in our hearts as Cain did. Honestly, what would you prefer, a janitor who's a desperate God-seeker or a lawyer or engineer who attends church?
Who was Cain's wife? A lecture, delivered in the First Baptist church of Albany, Oregon, April, 1912

You see, a man God cursed can be so, so successful in life. Cain built a city! That's a gross achievement. What a success! You'd get everyone's praise, even probably the church's if you're that successful. They'd pray for you and declare that God's on your side for being so prosperous. Wealth and possessions can blind to the max. 

Indeed, Cain was able to build not just a city but a whole race. His clan were accomplished livestock farmers, musicians, and industrialists [4.20-22]. They were so successful there didn't seem any sign of Cain being accursed. Cain's wife had been right after all. 

However, this was very far from the truth. Wealth and possession can be very blinding, as we have earlier said. Cain's family may have been prosperous but they were rottenly poor in character and morals. This can be gleaned from Lamech's attitude. He will kill (or killed) a man just for wounding him [4.23]. Then he bragged about being avenged more than Cain would have been. They were a clan of taking vengeance in their hands for the slightest offense against them. You think you can live with such people?

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Key to Your Husband's Spiritual Success

The Complete Husband: A Practical Guide to Biblical Husbanding
You're really the key to your husband's spiritual success. Church is good but it will do your husband no good as far as his spiritual standing is concerned. Church is just for fellowship and rituals.

The woman is the glory of man, says Paul to the Corinthians. Your husband may be so successful in his career or in church, but if you, second Eves, are doing poorly in spirit, your husband gets NO glory. I've seen couples who look so good in church but have rotten marriages. In the spirit, they have zero glory--God is not pleased to see them. 

If you want your marriage to be a delight to God (which is the essence of worship for couples), you second Eves should make sure that:

1. You submit to your husband in all things.
2. You have a healthy spiritual life, and this means Jesus' life and character is seen in you daily.
3. You are one flesh with your husband.

It is totally useless to serve God in church if you, second Eves, do not do your responsibility to your life partner--being the glory of your husband.

When the Husband Cheats

Letting Him Go...When He CheatsWhen a Christian husband cheats, what does the wife do?

Often, the wife punishes the husband with threats of separation or divorce or similar harsh words. The husband often does the same when the wife cheats. But if you're in the move of God, you should be aware of what marital cheating means in the spirit realms.

Does this happen even to people in the present move of God?

Oh yes. And if it happens, the cheating party is no longer in God's present move. He or she has been left behind. But there's hope of catching up.

So, what should the wife do in case of a husband cheating? She should be aware of what's happening in the spirit realms. First, the husband is NOT the enemy. He is a victim of the devil. He is made to believe that he is so handsome that girls fall for him. Second, it's not about marriage anymore--it's about both husband and wife getting out of the devil's trap.

Remember, The Devil is Out to Destroy the Family!

Why the husband cheats is all about the devil's grand plan to destroy the family. The devil wants to kill the next generation of radical believers. He knows that the next generation of Kingdom children and young men and women always have double or triple the anointing to build God's Kingdom and demolish Satan's plans. So the enemy hates strong families in Christ.

So he always targets the husband and wife--often the husband. And if the wife reacts negatively--hating the husband, being a pain in the neck to get even, demanding separation or divorce--then both the husband and wife are defeated. Only the devil wins. 
He Cheated!: The Survival Story of an Ex-Wife
Sure Remedy

The wife should pray for the husband to genuinely repent, asking God and his wife for forgiveness. After he does repent, the wife should forgive him and love him, helping him in every way to defeat the devil and his schemes. She must help him get up again and be a strong Christian, able to catch up with the present move of God. 

In this way, the devil is out-smarted and the family (especially the kids) is saved. 

If you're not yet in the move of God, you should join Him now so your marriage can be saved. Repent of all your sins and totally surrender your life to Jesus. Then ask God to save your marriage--He will.
His Needs, Her Needs - Building an Affair-proof Marriage (Discover How Identifying and Meeting Important Needs Will Deepen Your Love)

This is the age of martial separations, divorce, rotten marriages, and broken homes. The devil is working like crazy to destroy families. DON'T HELP him! 

Christian wife, you should be wise and discerning. You better get this clearly, second Eves!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Prophetic-Apostolic Wife

The Pastor's WifeThe universal priesthood of all believers is taken more seriously in the prophetic-apostolic move of God. Thus, wives are no longer housewives bound to household chores. Without foregoing that, they also should be expert ministers with their husbands--well trained in the Spirit of God. 

It's okay for wives to teach in church. They should preach to and lead and train younger women and ladies in church, and teach children, too (Titus). Paul prohibited women in church to preach to men. And he stressed that the ruling should be observed in all God's churches. And because God's Word is alive and active, that truth should be true to us even today. The prophetic-apostolic wife then should master the Word and be able to share it with other women boldly, with God's anointing. 

The wife should be able to do warfare in the spirit, be sensitive to God's leading, and be powerful in intercession, especially for her husband. Her husband, of course, should be deep in the rhema Word of God and anointed to declare it with Holy Spirit power and with signs and wonders from God. She should know how to move in the Spirit of God and be knowledgeable in all the ways of the Father in Scriptures. Needless to say, a prophetic-apostolic wife should be strong in God and His Word.

The Apostolic and Prophetic FoundationHowever, she should also remain in submission to her husband, and this should be evident to all. As her power and stature in God grows and become stronger, all the more she should be in submission to her husband. She is her husband's glory, so she should support her husband's spiritual stature and advancement in the spirit by remaining in submission to him. Without this total submission in all things, her husband's standing in God is null and void, and anything he does is garbage in the spirit. In fact, without this submission, her husband has better quit in any church position he has--more so if he's a minister.

She must meekly agree with the husband's final decisions in God, as she also contributes to that decision with what God has placed in her mind and heart. It's always a husband-wife team, with the husband as the team leader. 

This can only work if both husband and wife are immersed in God's spoken Word in the bible, and if Jesus' LIFE is seen in them daily. In fact, this is more important than any Sunday church program that churches religiously do, thinking it to be important in God's eyes.

The prophetic-apostolic wife is in charge of the children's educational progress, both spiritual and intellectual. Dad should influence the children with his apostolic fervor and inspiration, imparting the Jesus LIFE that is in him to them, but it is mom who should daily supervise their overall development. Dad should also help in this process. 

No Other Foundation: Exploring the Apostolic and the Prophetic AnointingsThe prophetic-apostolic wife is not anymore the household help of everyone in church. Pastors' wives are often thought of as maid-servants for running everyone's errands, and especially cooking food and doing the dishes. This chore should be shared by all. But a prophetic-apostolic wife's first role is to be in the likeness of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life--more so in being the wife of her husband. 

If the husband is a father in faith, his wife automatically becomes mother in faith--because they are one flesh in God's eyes. Being a mother in faith, the prophetic-apostolic wife should be able to assist her husband in all the dimensions of the move, raising up their sons and daughters in faith in the rigors of spiritual fathering. With her husband, they should be able to bring down to earth the dimensions of God's very Kingdom.

Apostolic and Prophetic Foundations 101: Foundational Studies for the Apostolic and the Prophetic MinistriesMany church women today advance in careers and call the shots in church, but such is NOT the God-assigned role for them. Careers are good and helping in church is fine, but what really matters is for the wife to be like Jesus as she becomes one flesh with her anointed husband and promote his glory in Christ.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Servant Girl

Memoirs of a Slave Girl
At the height of Commander Naaman’s military career (2King 5), Aram raided certain areas of Israel from time to time. One day Aram's troops captured an Israelite girl. Watch this story, second Eves.

Naaman was a decorated general. He was “great in the sight of Aram’s king.” Yet, he had one big problem he could not get rid of. Even his war skills and bravery were useless in fighting it off—leprosy. What did honors, rewards, promotions, and trophies mean when your life melted away due to gangrene?

Leprosy deadened the nerves so that a person afflicted by it lost the ability to feel pain on the skin and muscles. His hand can touch red-hot flames and not feel a thing. As the disease eats you, you gradually become a walking dead. Like a zombie. If you’ve seen zombie movies you’d see how these creatures want nothing but eat flesh. Trophies, riches, possessions, relationships, etc. don’t mean a thing to them. It’s flesh or nothing.

Spiritual Zombinism

If you suffer from spiritual zombinism you crave for flesh—anything that feeds your carnality. Everything else God shows or gives you becomes empty. Naaman didn’t just suffer leprosy—he was a walking zombie in spirit. Often, you’re spiritual condition is reflected on what people see in you on the outside. Thus, he was arrogant. His ego hurt when Elisha, God’s prophet, didn’t even care to go out and attend him personally. Is that the way God’s servant treats a person in need? Is that God’s love?

But it was God’s love; the problem was, Naaman was turning into a Zombie in spirit and could not recognize God’s love which Elisha was giving him. All he cared about was eat more flesh to feed his ego and boost his pride. Church people with spiritual leprosy negate anything of God and recognize what satisfies the flesh alone. Yet, most of them get religious trophies in church and gain riches and promotions like Naaman did.

Nothing but Glory for Her God

Now, the girl was of a different spirit. She was a war victim, her people were badly persecuted, she was taken captive, and then forced to serve Naaman’s wife. Yet, in all the misfortunes in her life, she had only one thing in heart—God’s glory.

Now this is odd—she was never named at all, yet she was among the few who believed in God and God’s holy servant, Elisha. It was a time of national backsliding with the evil King Joram son of Ahab in the lead. We see Ahab and wife Jezebel and their families highlighted in both books of Kings, and yet this young girl with an amazing faith left unsung except for a few short sentences. Here we see how God’s eyes operate. The greater you are to Him the lesser treatment you get. See, second Eves?

Anyway, Naaman and his wife and their country being the enemy, the young girl nonetheless helped them. She gave them a tip for Naaman’s leprosy: “If you could go see our prophet in Samaria, you’d be healed!” Why didn’t she just let him rot in gangrene? That could have spelled Israel’s victory. Helping the enemy was serious betrayal, wasn’t it?
Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry

To the young girl, everything boiled down to God’s glory—not who won or lost. She also risked her life recommending God’s prophet. What if Naaman went to Elisha and God refused to heal? What if Elisha refused to do anything with him? Elisha had a prejudice against the rich and famous—like the way he rejected Naaman’s gold and silver rewards, and the way he refused to see him personally. 
The Prophetic Ministry

She knew how to operate in the prophetic—believing the genuine man of God was the same as believing God. The church today needs prophetic leadership in the Spirit realms, like what Elisha had, and prophetic believers who would stake their lives for God and His anointed servants. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life: The Deal from the Beginning

Dialogue with GodSecond Eves, listen...

“All the days of my life ordained for me were written in your Book before any one of them happened” (Ps.139). That’s how it was. Now listen, Second Eves, to this interpretation I stumbled upon one day.

GOD: Jill, I have ordained you to be an accountant. You will come from a clan of studious people adroit in the computation of numbers and I will give you the fondness with numbers at an early age. 

You will greatly excel in all your undertakings, in school and work, and you will meet a lot of people on your way up. Here they are (The Lord shows her the various faces she’ll meet in her life), and one of them will become your husband, Jack (Jack suddenly appears and is surprised and pleased to find Jill). How do you find her, Jack?

JACK: I am pleased with her, God!
Give Up Everything

GOD: Good. And you, Jill?

JILL: I think he’s perfect!
Never Gonna Give You Up

GOD: I always do things perfectly. However, as both of you will meet many others, be careful to choose each other in the end. I will be giving you your freewill especially in this matter. If you do things in life in Me, you’ll have no problem. I plan everything perfectly, but you’ve got to choose. Now listen…

(Jack and Jill move closer to God).

GOD: Here in my very presence, everything is pure. There’s only truth here, and it’s easy to agree with truth here. But on earth, there will always be choices between truth and lie. I want you to get this: There’s only one true goal in life on earth: To fully surrender your life to Jesus and let him live your life. That’s it. For He and I are One. Everything else is worthless. Zero. Many concerns, interests, and other priorities, even church stuff, will show themselves on earth, all begging your attention and life effort, time, and investment. It’s up to you to weigh things there.  

But two things I assure you: I have planted in the hearts of all human beings the need for Me. That should be powerful enough for all to make the right decisions. Second, my imprint is all over creation. Anywhere you look, you’ll be reminded of Me.

Is there anything more?

(Both Jack and Jill shake their heads, smiling).

GOD: Good. Remember the real goal. So then, let your lives begin on earth! (And it was so. And God saw that it was good).

Thus, Jill’s would-be parents meet and marry and conceive her. Jill is born and grows up, exhibiting a talent for numbers. She’s a persistent mathematician in class, from grade school to college. 

In college, she opts for business administration, but shifts to accountancy after two years. She works for two accounting firms before meeting Jack in the third, where Jack is a senior clerk.

Later, they both become curious about a bible study in their office and decide to receive Jesus into their lives. They join a Christian church and marry there. Throughout everything, God has been there giving enough influence, providing directions, signs, and clues to guide them to the one goal in life—total surrender to Jesus, letting Him live their lives on earth. But God never forces them to decide anything. Their freewill has been kept intact.

ANGEL: They’ve finally reached their goal, my Lord!

GOD: Not quite. They haven’t even entered the threshold of my Will yet.

ANGEL: Lord? What do you mean? They’re born again and very active in church!

GOD: Yes, but that’s not the main goal. They still haven’t a clue about it.
Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts

ANGEL: You mean, what they’re doing now isn’t total surrender? But they’re so dedicated in church!

GOD: I didn’t say anything about commitment to any church. I told them about living The LIFE, My LIFE, on earth. Open your eyes and see what they’re really dedicating their whole lives to.

The angel obeys. (In the very Presence, you have no choice).

ANGEL: I see it now, My Lord. They’re pursuing their careers to give quality life for their kids on earth. Church is just a thrice a week program they feel they have to do so that God will bless their material possessions and earthly achievements.

GOD: More than that, you see, I look at what’s in the heart. They refuse to truly surrender their whole lives to Me. They pursue their careers, everyday, to make life comfortable on earth. They actually scorn the cross. They hate being poor. And that’s what they think—total life surrender would make their lives poor and miserable. So they just give me a small part of their lives and make up for the rest by “serving God in church.”
Counting On God

ANGEL: What should they do?

GOD: What I really want is to see My beloved Son in them. Remember, only in Jesus Am I well pleased. I have set my seal of approval on Him alone. Unless it’s the Son who lives in them, I will never be pleased.

Enter Dale. Dale becomes the friend of Jack and Jill one day. He’s among the few members of a small church with a poor pastor. They often hear about total surrender from Dale, giving up everything and letting Christ live in them as the apostle Paul had experienced, but they never take Dale seriously. Dale is too extreme. He takes God’s will too literally. Moreover, they feel that Dale and his church and pastor are not really that successful in life—they’re poor—and do not have anything to show for what they are preaching.
Breaking Free: Discover the Victory of Total Surrender

Unlike their pastor who is really successful—he has titles and degrees and big-time recognitions and a big, peopled, and moneyed church. Almost everyone in his church is either rich or getting richer. They’re really blessed. You got to have credentials like that to be heard and believed. They would rather take such people seriously than Dale and his ilk.

But in fairness, they admire Dale. He was once on top of his company, working like a crazy beaver daily, until he joined that small church of extreme believers who looked like a cult or something. He started being “ordinary” in his office, sold his car, huge property, and all his expensive cell phones (kept a cheap one for himself) and other accessories, gave the money to the poor and the ministry, and started living really simple. He got a much smaller house for him and his wife and family.

What’s crazier with Dale is that he and his fellows go to their small, poorly built church only twice a month. The rest of the Sundays they spend with their respective families to “raise them up” deeply in God’s Word, whatever that means. And they sometimes do that in parks, plazas, malls, or at home. Dale insists that it’s the LIFE that matters, offering our bodies as living sacrifices, which is our true spiritual worship. Where we do this is not important. You can even do it inside your bathroom on Sundays, he says with a silly chuckle.

“Now,” he once quipped, “we have more time studying the Word really in depth with the Spirit of God and living it out daily, to be really like Christ. There’s nothing more important than to see Christ really appear in us!”

Letters To God

How over-acting, Jack and Jill thought to themselves. And how weird. They were just glad their pastor taught them that God’s grace made you enjoy life on earth safely—even if you became a bit more materialistic than others. Anyway, it’s just a bit more—God will understand. It’s His grace. All you have to do is serve Him in church. That secured God’s grace for you.

Jack and Jill and Dale grow old and finally die. They face God.

GOD: Hello Dale! What do you have there?

DALE: God, sorry, I lost everything. I know you gave me a lot of blessings, but I just gave them all away, didn’t give them much importance. I guess I’m not a good steward? Now, I left almost nothing to my wife and kids.

GOD: He who loses his life for my sake will save it for eternity. Good and faithful steward. Come right in.

GOD: And…who are you?
Dialogue With God

JACK: God, I’m Jack and this is Jill, my wife. Remember?

GOD: Sorry, I do not know you.

JILL: Didn’t we preach in the streets and did miraculous things in your name? We were active in all of the church’s activities!

GOD: I only have eyes for My Son. If you have let Him live your life to do My Will, I would have seen you do those things…

Second Eves

Monday, August 23, 2010

Submitting in All Things to Your Husband

The Christian HusbandPaul says women in church should submit to their husbands in all things. A lot of female believers do not subscribe to this edict and would try to worm their way around it. Even most active women in church fail dismally at this, even some pastors’ wives. Second Eves serious about the present move of God should make sure you excel in submitting in all things to your husbands.

The Key is the First Commandment

Most Christian marriages ignore the wife’s role in “submitting in all things your husband” when they find the principle difficult to work out into the relationship. They go on “serving God” in church while leaving the vital marriage principle in a mess. If the principle is not working in a marriage, all else fail in the spiritual life, particularly attempts at “serving God.”

Peter hinted that the husband-love-your-wife-and-wife-submit-to-your-husband principle is the key to ensure that “nothing will hinder your prayers,” (1Pet.3.7). When your prayers are hindered, nothing you do for God counts—no matter how sincere, committed, and biblical you are. Anything you do in church is garbage. Your spiritual life is rotten and dying, if not dead. Moreover, your children will lose their protection against the devil that steals, kills, and destroys. Dad and mom, your standing before God is your kids’ covering and shield as long as they’re dependent on you.

Now, the key to making this principle work lies on the first directive: “Husbands love your wives.” Second Eves, you have to get your Adams’ attention on this truth. Husbands should love their wives as they love themselves. Husbands loving their wives and wives submitting to them will only work with people who are deep in the present Move of God. And only such men can genuinely love their wives. Love is more than expressing it or having a happy family and supplying their needs well. It’s being a real spiritual blessing to your spouse so that the latter can reach his or her full potential in God, first and foremost.

Once the man finds his assigned place well in God’s will—being a true man of God—only then can the wife fully submit to him in all things and both of them get God’s vital favor. And only then does the Kingdom principle work in power. Well, Second Eves, if in case the guy you have isn’t a certified man of God yet (all believing men, pastor or not, should aim to be men of God, by His grace), you should nonetheless submit to him. No excuse here. I don’t care what kind of a husband he is—you have to submit to him in all things—even if he seems to be a hopeless case.
A Husband After God's Own Heart: 12 Things That Really Matter in Your Marriage

Remember, Second Eves, to us who are deep in Christ, annulment or divorce is a BIG no-no. No way. To them who are children of hell, they can annul or divorce anytime. They even claim God’s in it with them. Do you know how many devil’s children are annulled or divorced and re-marry and “serve God” today in church? Ha! You’d be shocked! No one can alter God’s Word. It’s is eternal. What God says is what God says. Period.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Be a Devotee like Mary

MARY Glimpses of the Mother of Jesus (Personality of the New Testament)
Be a devotee like Mary the mother of Jesus was, Second Eves. Protestants and born agains shrug off any mention about being a Marian devotee but they know little about her great standing in the Lord. And their Roman Catholic counterparts, though serious Mary devotees, know a lot less, if any. 

Special Choice

Mary was specially chosen out of all the women in Israel, in fact out of all the women in the world. Why? First, because of God's grace and sovereign choice. Second, because of her outstanding faith. I have not seen a Protestant or born again or Roman Catholic girl as radical in faith as Mary was. 

Settled in Being Poor

Most poor women, even born again and Catholics (or especially them) dream of being rich someday. Even Christians in the middle class do not settle for what they have. They always grab for more. They would use God in prayer to reach their dreams--going to the US to earn in dollars, or to some far away shore to work and get double the pay they earn at home. I've seen countless born again women doing so well as professionals in Manila but who give up their jobs to find greener pastures in the US. 

Mary had no such taint of materialism in her. She was content in what life station God had apportioned her. You can see here her radical be-it-unto-me-according-to-your-Word life principle in all aspects of her life. Christians today just sing this Word in church, paying mere lip service. But in reality, they want a good, materially pampered life by hook or by crook. I've seen Christians tell lies just to pass US embassy screening. They show money in their banks, money that isn't really theirs. I've also seen Christians who sneak into the US as illegal entries and over stay. Yet these "believers" serve God in church.

Settled with Joseph

Mary never looked for a rich or well educated man to marry. She was contented to be a poor carpenter's wife. Many "Christian" girls today would never settle for a poor carpenter as a spouse. They'd want moneyed suitors, or at least educated ones with titles and degrees who may someday end up moneyed. Christians hate being limited in resources. Mary never nagged Joseph about money or about asking his boss a raise. She never told Joseph to go look for a lucrative job or work abroad.

Mary NEVER complained. 

See that? I have never seen such a serious God devotee as Mary was. Many today just join worship teams and sing in choirs and be seen performing on church stages. Many just want to have titles and degrees and go to bible schools and seminaries. Many just want to be active in church. But NOBODY is willing--as Mary was--to give up everything and follow Jesus, in extremely low profile. 

Mary was All for Jesus

How many of us, Second Eves, would remain meekly quiet about traveling the desert while 9 months pregnant? You realize how hot the desert is? Mary endured just to obey God. And how many of us would remain meekly content at delivering a baby on a dirty, messy, grimy, and smelly manger where farm animals ate and released waste? Mary did all that--without complaining to Joseph or God--for Jesus' sake. Because she genuinely believed! We're all fake believers compared to her. 

Mary was wiling to take everything in, knowing that someday her son would be taken from her and sacrificed. "May it be done to me according to your Word." We sing these lyrics today, even expressively, totally naive about what they really mean. Christian pop singers sing this on youtube with all the glamor and comfort of an air conditioned, hi-tech auditorium, in very comfy seats and attires and earnings. Mary had none of that. 

Mary declared, "Be it unto me according to your Word," even if it meant public disgrace and scandal--bearing God's Son in her womb outside of marriage. And she never made any attempt to explain to the public the weird phenomenon. She never bothered about image as many churches and "believers" today do. But she knew what to do--and my guess is, it's because Mary was deep in God's Word. When you're like that you become radically selfless. Only the naive and uninformed worry about weird stuff from God. They panic. I've seen many churches panic at the sight of God's genuine but weird move taking place. Some even call it cultic or demonic in their naiveté. Churches today are the most panicky entity. 

Mary had personal, quality, and deep devotions with the Father and knew the details about the coming Messiah--something many churches today cannot boast of. Mary never panicked when she saw an angel. And I guess that shows how she was used to seeing them. She was that spiritual that God entrusted her with angelic visitations. Titled theologians today would have called Gabriel a demon. 

Capture His Heart: Becoming the Godly Wife Your Husband Desires

I think God wants us Second Eves to be devotees like Mary was. Perfectly content at whatever station in life God has placed us. Without any effort at being somewhere else. But very deep and alive in the rhema spoken Word. 

Monday, July 5, 2010

Zipporah was Accurate!

Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel (Canaan Trilogy)
Zipporah was accurate! Wives in Christ should have Zipporah's accuracy to powerfully assist their husbands to do God's will. You heard me right, Second Eves! 

Sometimes our husbands (second Adams with the Second Adam living in them), no matter how spiritual they are and how much they often talk personally to God, miss certain details. And Second Eves should be around to act as personal secretaries to assist them with details. Hence, a husband and wife living far from each other won't work in God's present Move. It's a definite no-no, no matter what the reason is. It's not just to avoid fornication; first and foremost, it is to effectively do God's will.

Second Eves should be informed about latest updates their husbands get from their climbs up their spiritual Mount Sinais. Otherwise, they won't be as accurate as Zipporah was. Remember, she saved Moses' (some sources say their son's) life because she was accurate in Kingdom principles.

When Zipporah cut her son's foreskin with a flint knife, we see here a very vital insight: Zipporah knew deep Kingdom secrets. Moses updated her well. It shows what kind of a husband he was. It was probably why Moses was able to father Joshua well, too. However, we don't see Moses' son Gershom doing any spiritual exploits, and we see Gershom's son, Jonathan, leading the tribe of Dan in idolatry in Judges 18.  

Just think---Zipporah knew that God was about to kill Moses (or his son) (Ex.4.24). If she hadn't been spiritually accurate, she wouldn't know that. Second, she knew just what to do. Many people today don't see what God is about to do, and how to respond to God's move. All they see are their church buildings and programs and manuals and doctrines--useless material things. We should know how to operate spiritually in Kingdom principles, as Zipporah did, and see where and how God is at work. We ought to see in the spirit! Do we? Or are we just doing church activities? Do we just see our programs?

Third, she knew how to circumcise! Circumcision is no joke. Today, only medical experts can do this. Well, and some quacks, as well. In the early years, quacks circumcised our grandpas. But the point is, ordinary mothers do not and cannot circumcise their sons. Imagine what if it was Moses that Zipporah circumcised!

Wives in Christ should be able to do Kingdom operations precisely and to the letter of God's Word. That's how they assist their husbands. When Zipporah did the right and accurate thing, "The Lord let Moses (or his son) alone." Moses' life was spared. He was almost killed if not for his wife's decisive and accurate operation in the spirit. And it was also due to Moses' discipleship of Zipporah. Husbands, do you disciple your wives in the Lord? If so, how accurate and advanced?

No, we're not referring to husbands discipling their wives in denominational doctrines or denominational policies or rules or programs or activities. This is NOT what we're talking of here. Anything denominational is inaccurate. We're talking of God's ways and principles in his Word, from Genesis to Revelation. We're talking of how to operate spiritually in God's Kingdom and his one glorious church. I said "ONE" glorious church. 
The Power of Your Words: How God Can Bless Your Life Through the Words You Speak

And for starters, accuracy in God means we believe in the complete unity of all believers that Jesus prayed for in John 17. I repeat, "Complete unity!" How complete? "That they be one as the Father and the Son are one." And this means denominations are a big No-No!

Why husband and wife should be together always: Click Here!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Job's Wife's Advice

Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son (P.S.)
To Old Testament readers, Job is a popular figure. And what's so noticeable among other many things in the story was job's wife's advice to him: Curse God and die! Wow! That's so revealing! It gives us possible insights (hey, I said possible insights, not sure insights. Okay?) into what kind of marriage they had, what kind of husband Job was, and what kind of wife his wife was. 

First, their marriage. It was probably rough sailing. A good marriage won't have the wife saying, "Curse God!" to his husband--perhaps, "pray God" is more like it. And imagine losing your kids and your properties, and all the wife could say was "curse God!" The wife could have been spoiled by all the wealth and exuberance that a rich husband had provided her with, and add to that what being a member of the high society of the rich could have turned the wife out to be. Wealth isn't bad, but letting it mold you is the pits. 

Second, Job was a good father but probably (again, probably) was a weak husband. He offered prayers daily to counter the possible follies of his children, and that was being a good father. Well, on second thought, if all he could do about his kids' follies was pray for them, that was also a sign of weak fathering. And his wife not submitting to him was a surefire sign of being a weakling husband. Job sure was of a high spiritual caliber, but he wasn't able to pull his wife and kids up with him. He had weak influence over his family.

See the disadvantages of being rich, even if you're spiritual? Now, this does not mean being rich and spiritual is wrong. It only means the more we should have wisdom with family matters when wealth starts pouring in. Money can be a cruel master, though it is an excellent servant. 

Husbands and Fathers: Rediscover the Creator's Purpose for Men
Finally, we all have that propensity to blame God for all tragedies in life. Well, there are a few Jobs among us who blame themselves or the day they were born. Blaming God is simpler and gives comfort to the flesh. And some people are suicidal in their blame for God--they know that cursing God results to death--and yet they still do it. Amazing. At least, that's valuable lesson for us all---cursing God leads to death. And Job's wife's advice reminded us of that. 
The Book of the Patriarch Job, Translated from the Original Hebrew

Now, what if---what if Job were a strong husband and father? Would've things been different? I don't think so. The properties would still be crashed, his children would still be killed. Being a righteous husband and father doesn't make you immune to tests for spiritual promotion. The only difference would be that Job's wife's advice would've been very different. And that would have spelled all the difference!