Cain was hidden from God's presence, a restless wanderer, a wanted man, and he went out from the presence of the Lord [Gen.4]. I cannot imagine a worse life scenario. He "restlessly" wandered on earth, aimless, and yet this young woman found him attractive. Why?
Well, I really shouldn't be surprised at what Cain's wife did--falling in love with an accursed man. I mean, just look at a lot of young women today, sleeping with men before marriage and preferring live-in arrangements than be wed before God. That, too is being accursed, and many go for it and the world sees them as smart and "mature." Some even consider it a miracle from God.
Thus, I can imagine what probably went through the mind of Cain's wife--being herself a resident of Nod where Cain settled down. Cain found her there, and Nod meant "wanderer." People there must have just wandered around, trying this and that, going here and there, looking for what worked and what didn't, trying out their luck. God could have given the place its name, or it was probably what Cain called it.

Imagine this guy, son of Adam and Eve--very first couple God created and lived and talked with, first hand model of God's very image and likeness, activated to life by God's own very breath! Wow! Cain must have carried such appeal! Outward appeal takes precedence over character with some women.
I can also imagine Cain's life ambition and daring. He was a city builder [4.17]. He was an enterprising, business-like, go-getter of a man. What young girl from Nod wouldn't fall for that? He was determined to make it big. And most women fall for such type even today. "This man will be a good provider, and he is the key to my material success!" Even in church, materialism is a big factor in courtship--how much does he make? What's his job? What's his position in the company? What's his ambition?
Honestly, if a guy were like Abel today, nothing else in mind except how to please God, with no other earthly or material ambition, we'd probably reject him in courtship, even violently, like hacking the guy to death in our hearts as Cain did. Honestly, what would you prefer, a janitor who's a desperate God-seeker or a lawyer or engineer who attends church?

You see, a man God cursed can be so, so successful in life. Cain built a city! That's a gross achievement. What a success! You'd get everyone's praise, even probably the church's if you're that successful. They'd pray for you and declare that God's on your side for being so prosperous. Wealth and possessions can blind to the max.
Indeed, Cain was able to build not just a city but a whole race. His clan were accomplished livestock farmers, musicians, and industrialists [4.20-22]. They were so successful there didn't seem any sign of Cain being accursed. Cain's wife had been right after all.
However, this was very far from the truth. Wealth and possession can be very blinding, as we have earlier said. Cain's family may have been prosperous but they were rottenly poor in character and morals. This can be gleaned from Lamech's attitude. He will kill (or killed) a man just for wounding him [4.23]. Then he bragged about being avenged more than Cain would have been. They were a clan of taking vengeance in their hands for the slightest offense against them. You think you can live with such people?
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