Saturday, October 30, 2010

When the Husband Cheats

Letting Him Go...When He CheatsWhen a Christian husband cheats, what does the wife do?

Often, the wife punishes the husband with threats of separation or divorce or similar harsh words. The husband often does the same when the wife cheats. But if you're in the move of God, you should be aware of what marital cheating means in the spirit realms.

Does this happen even to people in the present move of God?

Oh yes. And if it happens, the cheating party is no longer in God's present move. He or she has been left behind. But there's hope of catching up.

So, what should the wife do in case of a husband cheating? She should be aware of what's happening in the spirit realms. First, the husband is NOT the enemy. He is a victim of the devil. He is made to believe that he is so handsome that girls fall for him. Second, it's not about marriage anymore--it's about both husband and wife getting out of the devil's trap.

Remember, The Devil is Out to Destroy the Family!

Why the husband cheats is all about the devil's grand plan to destroy the family. The devil wants to kill the next generation of radical believers. He knows that the next generation of Kingdom children and young men and women always have double or triple the anointing to build God's Kingdom and demolish Satan's plans. So the enemy hates strong families in Christ.

So he always targets the husband and wife--often the husband. And if the wife reacts negatively--hating the husband, being a pain in the neck to get even, demanding separation or divorce--then both the husband and wife are defeated. Only the devil wins. 
He Cheated!: The Survival Story of an Ex-Wife
Sure Remedy

The wife should pray for the husband to genuinely repent, asking God and his wife for forgiveness. After he does repent, the wife should forgive him and love him, helping him in every way to defeat the devil and his schemes. She must help him get up again and be a strong Christian, able to catch up with the present move of God. 

In this way, the devil is out-smarted and the family (especially the kids) is saved. 

If you're not yet in the move of God, you should join Him now so your marriage can be saved. Repent of all your sins and totally surrender your life to Jesus. Then ask God to save your marriage--He will.
His Needs, Her Needs - Building an Affair-proof Marriage (Discover How Identifying and Meeting Important Needs Will Deepen Your Love)

This is the age of martial separations, divorce, rotten marriages, and broken homes. The devil is working like crazy to destroy families. DON'T HELP him! 

Christian wife, you should be wise and discerning. You better get this clearly, second Eves!

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