Saturday, October 30, 2010

Key to Your Husband's Spiritual Success

The Complete Husband: A Practical Guide to Biblical Husbanding
You're really the key to your husband's spiritual success. Church is good but it will do your husband no good as far as his spiritual standing is concerned. Church is just for fellowship and rituals.

The woman is the glory of man, says Paul to the Corinthians. Your husband may be so successful in his career or in church, but if you, second Eves, are doing poorly in spirit, your husband gets NO glory. I've seen couples who look so good in church but have rotten marriages. In the spirit, they have zero glory--God is not pleased to see them. 

If you want your marriage to be a delight to God (which is the essence of worship for couples), you second Eves should make sure that:

1. You submit to your husband in all things.
2. You have a healthy spiritual life, and this means Jesus' life and character is seen in you daily.
3. You are one flesh with your husband.

It is totally useless to serve God in church if you, second Eves, do not do your responsibility to your life partner--being the glory of your husband.

When the Husband Cheats

Letting Him Go...When He CheatsWhen a Christian husband cheats, what does the wife do?

Often, the wife punishes the husband with threats of separation or divorce or similar harsh words. The husband often does the same when the wife cheats. But if you're in the move of God, you should be aware of what marital cheating means in the spirit realms.

Does this happen even to people in the present move of God?

Oh yes. And if it happens, the cheating party is no longer in God's present move. He or she has been left behind. But there's hope of catching up.

So, what should the wife do in case of a husband cheating? She should be aware of what's happening in the spirit realms. First, the husband is NOT the enemy. He is a victim of the devil. He is made to believe that he is so handsome that girls fall for him. Second, it's not about marriage anymore--it's about both husband and wife getting out of the devil's trap.

Remember, The Devil is Out to Destroy the Family!

Why the husband cheats is all about the devil's grand plan to destroy the family. The devil wants to kill the next generation of radical believers. He knows that the next generation of Kingdom children and young men and women always have double or triple the anointing to build God's Kingdom and demolish Satan's plans. So the enemy hates strong families in Christ.

So he always targets the husband and wife--often the husband. And if the wife reacts negatively--hating the husband, being a pain in the neck to get even, demanding separation or divorce--then both the husband and wife are defeated. Only the devil wins. 
He Cheated!: The Survival Story of an Ex-Wife
Sure Remedy

The wife should pray for the husband to genuinely repent, asking God and his wife for forgiveness. After he does repent, the wife should forgive him and love him, helping him in every way to defeat the devil and his schemes. She must help him get up again and be a strong Christian, able to catch up with the present move of God. 

In this way, the devil is out-smarted and the family (especially the kids) is saved. 

If you're not yet in the move of God, you should join Him now so your marriage can be saved. Repent of all your sins and totally surrender your life to Jesus. Then ask God to save your marriage--He will.
His Needs, Her Needs - Building an Affair-proof Marriage (Discover How Identifying and Meeting Important Needs Will Deepen Your Love)

This is the age of martial separations, divorce, rotten marriages, and broken homes. The devil is working like crazy to destroy families. DON'T HELP him! 

Christian wife, you should be wise and discerning. You better get this clearly, second Eves!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Prophetic-Apostolic Wife

The Pastor's WifeThe universal priesthood of all believers is taken more seriously in the prophetic-apostolic move of God. Thus, wives are no longer housewives bound to household chores. Without foregoing that, they also should be expert ministers with their husbands--well trained in the Spirit of God. 

It's okay for wives to teach in church. They should preach to and lead and train younger women and ladies in church, and teach children, too (Titus). Paul prohibited women in church to preach to men. And he stressed that the ruling should be observed in all God's churches. And because God's Word is alive and active, that truth should be true to us even today. The prophetic-apostolic wife then should master the Word and be able to share it with other women boldly, with God's anointing. 

The wife should be able to do warfare in the spirit, be sensitive to God's leading, and be powerful in intercession, especially for her husband. Her husband, of course, should be deep in the rhema Word of God and anointed to declare it with Holy Spirit power and with signs and wonders from God. She should know how to move in the Spirit of God and be knowledgeable in all the ways of the Father in Scriptures. Needless to say, a prophetic-apostolic wife should be strong in God and His Word.

The Apostolic and Prophetic FoundationHowever, she should also remain in submission to her husband, and this should be evident to all. As her power and stature in God grows and become stronger, all the more she should be in submission to her husband. She is her husband's glory, so she should support her husband's spiritual stature and advancement in the spirit by remaining in submission to him. Without this total submission in all things, her husband's standing in God is null and void, and anything he does is garbage in the spirit. In fact, without this submission, her husband has better quit in any church position he has--more so if he's a minister.

She must meekly agree with the husband's final decisions in God, as she also contributes to that decision with what God has placed in her mind and heart. It's always a husband-wife team, with the husband as the team leader. 

This can only work if both husband and wife are immersed in God's spoken Word in the bible, and if Jesus' LIFE is seen in them daily. In fact, this is more important than any Sunday church program that churches religiously do, thinking it to be important in God's eyes.

The prophetic-apostolic wife is in charge of the children's educational progress, both spiritual and intellectual. Dad should influence the children with his apostolic fervor and inspiration, imparting the Jesus LIFE that is in him to them, but it is mom who should daily supervise their overall development. Dad should also help in this process. 

No Other Foundation: Exploring the Apostolic and the Prophetic AnointingsThe prophetic-apostolic wife is not anymore the household help of everyone in church. Pastors' wives are often thought of as maid-servants for running everyone's errands, and especially cooking food and doing the dishes. This chore should be shared by all. But a prophetic-apostolic wife's first role is to be in the likeness of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life--more so in being the wife of her husband. 

If the husband is a father in faith, his wife automatically becomes mother in faith--because they are one flesh in God's eyes. Being a mother in faith, the prophetic-apostolic wife should be able to assist her husband in all the dimensions of the move, raising up their sons and daughters in faith in the rigors of spiritual fathering. With her husband, they should be able to bring down to earth the dimensions of God's very Kingdom.

Apostolic and Prophetic Foundations 101: Foundational Studies for the Apostolic and the Prophetic MinistriesMany church women today advance in careers and call the shots in church, but such is NOT the God-assigned role for them. Careers are good and helping in church is fine, but what really matters is for the wife to be like Jesus as she becomes one flesh with her anointed husband and promote his glory in Christ.