The Key is the First Commandment
Most Christian marriages ignore the wife’s role in “submitting in all things your husband” when they find the principle difficult to work out into the relationship. They go on “serving God” in church while leaving the vital marriage principle in a mess. If the principle is not working in a marriage, all else fail in the spiritual life, particularly attempts at “serving God.”
Peter hinted that the husband-love-your-wife-and-wife-submit-to-your-husband principle is the key to ensure that “nothing will hinder your prayers,” (1Pet.3.7). When your prayers are hindered, nothing you do for God counts—no matter how sincere, committed, and biblical you are. Anything you do in church is garbage. Your spiritual life is rotten and dying, if not dead. Moreover, your children will lose their protection against the devil that steals, kills, and destroys. Dad and mom, your standing before God is your kids’ covering and shield as long as they’re dependent on you.
Now, the key to making this principle work lies on the first directive: “Husbands love your wives.” Second Eves, you have to get your Adams’ attention on this truth. Husbands should love their wives as they love themselves. Husbands loving their wives and wives submitting to them will only work with people who are deep in the present Move of God. And only such men can genuinely love their wives. Love is more than expressing it or having a happy family and supplying their needs well. It’s being a real spiritual blessing to your spouse so that the latter can reach his or her full potential in God, first and foremost.
Once the man finds his assigned place well in God’s will—being a true man of God—only then can the wife fully submit to him in all things and both of them get God’s vital favor. And only then does the Kingdom principle work in power. Well, Second Eves, if in case the guy you have isn’t a certified man of God yet (all believing men, pastor or not, should aim to be men of God, by His grace), you should nonetheless submit to him. No excuse here. I don’t care what kind of a husband he is—you have to submit to him in all things—even if he seems to be a hopeless case.
Remember, Second Eves, to us who are deep in Christ, annulment or divorce is a BIG no-no. No way. To them who are children of hell, they can annul or divorce anytime. They even claim God’s in it with them. Do you know how many devil’s children are annulled or divorced and re-marry and “serve God” today in church? Ha! You’d be shocked! No one can alter God’s Word. It’s is eternal. What God says is what God says. Period.
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