When man fell into sin in Eden with the woman, the woman got this punishment--"Your desire is to please your husband," [Gen.3]. Then immediately, it is followed by "he'll rule over you."
It's part of the curse--desiring to please your husband. Thus, I note often how battered wives, even if they hate their husbands so much that they want to curse them, still end up wanting to please their husbands. I've seen on TV battered wives who keep reconciling with their husbands even if the latter never show sign of changing or repenting. It's part of the curse.

It's not God's will either for battered wives to divorce their cruel husbands. Paul later discussed in his letter to the Corinthians that if the husbands sends the wife away, that's the only time they can be separated, but not divorced. All these are results of the fall; you either desire to please your cruel husband no matter the misery you're in because of him, or wait for him to send you away, but not divorce him.
Some opt out of the curse using their own efforts and file a divorce and do away permanently with their husbands. But that is just their own imagination. In God's eyes these wives are still married to their husbands though they've availed of the provisions of human laws granting them legal divorce. The laws of man can NEVER nullify the Word of God. If you opt to avail of legal divorce, that only complicates your negative spiritual standing with God, piling one sin after another.
Absolutely no divorce in God.
Now, if you're married to a cruel and terrible husband and you're a believer (cruel and terrible husbands are sure to be non believers no matter if they profess to be believers or go to church every Sunday), you suffer more for it for life. That's the consequence of disobedience. Non believers also suffer the same consequences, but somewhat in a milder form. When you're faced with a decision to follow Jesus or your cruel husband, you'd be hard-pressed because you carry the curse ("your desire is to please your husband") but your mind carries the burden to follow Christ. I've seen this so many times in churches.
What's the Point in All These?
Well, the point is to show single women in Christ that marriage is something serious. If you don't obey Christ and opt to do things your way, you'd surely suffer the martial curse. Good if you find a genuine believer who is all-out desperate for Jesus. The curse will work in your favor. You see, if you're fully surrendered to Jesus, He works everything for your good. But there are many fakes in church--they seem to be Christians and know the church lingo, but their hearts are far from Jesus. You marry one of them and you're buried terribly in the curse all your life.
Is there a way out?
Things started wrong can NEVER end up being right somehow. Jesus said, what is born of spirit is spirit and what is born of flesh is flesh. The flesh cannot end up being spiritual later on. Well, it can change for some good--but never count on it. If you married a fake and he's really a devil in disguise, and then let's say he meets Jesus and really receives Him in his heart as Savior and Lord, then he might (I say "might"!) turn out to be less than a devil. He'll probably change and be a smaller demon in your life. But again, don't count on it!
Well, sometimes, these fakes turn out a bit better than being smaller demons. They may also become good Christians--church goers faithful to their denominations but never being sensitive to the Spirit's leading. In other words, at best, you're going to get a religious Christian who's madly in love with church programs and church works, but not with Jesus. Sure, he'll have some remarkable (but temporary) character changes, but never a total life transformation. And then you'd find yourself desiring to please such husband all your life.
Tsk, tsk---what a tragedy. What a spiritual potential lost!
But what if you had been totally obedient to God and married God's best? You'd get a loving husband and father all-out crazy and desperate for the real Jesus Christ in the bible. He's (at least) 10,000 times much better than fakes who later become
somewhat Christian.
So, single second Eves, never fall for the wrong guy. Never fall for fakes, especially in church. Whoever you marry, your desire is to please your husband.
Get a REAL Christian! Look for the real Jesus, and you'd find the real Christian husband for you.