Monday, July 5, 2010

Zipporah was Accurate!

Zipporah, Wife of Moses: A Novel (Canaan Trilogy)
Zipporah was accurate! Wives in Christ should have Zipporah's accuracy to powerfully assist their husbands to do God's will. You heard me right, Second Eves! 

Sometimes our husbands (second Adams with the Second Adam living in them), no matter how spiritual they are and how much they often talk personally to God, miss certain details. And Second Eves should be around to act as personal secretaries to assist them with details. Hence, a husband and wife living far from each other won't work in God's present Move. It's a definite no-no, no matter what the reason is. It's not just to avoid fornication; first and foremost, it is to effectively do God's will.

Second Eves should be informed about latest updates their husbands get from their climbs up their spiritual Mount Sinais. Otherwise, they won't be as accurate as Zipporah was. Remember, she saved Moses' (some sources say their son's) life because she was accurate in Kingdom principles.

When Zipporah cut her son's foreskin with a flint knife, we see here a very vital insight: Zipporah knew deep Kingdom secrets. Moses updated her well. It shows what kind of a husband he was. It was probably why Moses was able to father Joshua well, too. However, we don't see Moses' son Gershom doing any spiritual exploits, and we see Gershom's son, Jonathan, leading the tribe of Dan in idolatry in Judges 18.  

Just think---Zipporah knew that God was about to kill Moses (or his son) (Ex.4.24). If she hadn't been spiritually accurate, she wouldn't know that. Second, she knew just what to do. Many people today don't see what God is about to do, and how to respond to God's move. All they see are their church buildings and programs and manuals and doctrines--useless material things. We should know how to operate spiritually in Kingdom principles, as Zipporah did, and see where and how God is at work. We ought to see in the spirit! Do we? Or are we just doing church activities? Do we just see our programs?

Third, she knew how to circumcise! Circumcision is no joke. Today, only medical experts can do this. Well, and some quacks, as well. In the early years, quacks circumcised our grandpas. But the point is, ordinary mothers do not and cannot circumcise their sons. Imagine what if it was Moses that Zipporah circumcised!

Wives in Christ should be able to do Kingdom operations precisely and to the letter of God's Word. That's how they assist their husbands. When Zipporah did the right and accurate thing, "The Lord let Moses (or his son) alone." Moses' life was spared. He was almost killed if not for his wife's decisive and accurate operation in the spirit. And it was also due to Moses' discipleship of Zipporah. Husbands, do you disciple your wives in the Lord? If so, how accurate and advanced?

No, we're not referring to husbands discipling their wives in denominational doctrines or denominational policies or rules or programs or activities. This is NOT what we're talking of here. Anything denominational is inaccurate. We're talking of God's ways and principles in his Word, from Genesis to Revelation. We're talking of how to operate spiritually in God's Kingdom and his one glorious church. I said "ONE" glorious church. 
The Power of Your Words: How God Can Bless Your Life Through the Words You Speak

And for starters, accuracy in God means we believe in the complete unity of all believers that Jesus prayed for in John 17. I repeat, "Complete unity!" How complete? "That they be one as the Father and the Son are one." And this means denominations are a big No-No!

Why husband and wife should be together always: Click Here!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Job's Wife's Advice

Manhood for Amateurs: The Pleasures and Regrets of a Husband, Father, and Son (P.S.)
To Old Testament readers, Job is a popular figure. And what's so noticeable among other many things in the story was job's wife's advice to him: Curse God and die! Wow! That's so revealing! It gives us possible insights (hey, I said possible insights, not sure insights. Okay?) into what kind of marriage they had, what kind of husband Job was, and what kind of wife his wife was. 

First, their marriage. It was probably rough sailing. A good marriage won't have the wife saying, "Curse God!" to his husband--perhaps, "pray God" is more like it. And imagine losing your kids and your properties, and all the wife could say was "curse God!" The wife could have been spoiled by all the wealth and exuberance that a rich husband had provided her with, and add to that what being a member of the high society of the rich could have turned the wife out to be. Wealth isn't bad, but letting it mold you is the pits. 

Second, Job was a good father but probably (again, probably) was a weak husband. He offered prayers daily to counter the possible follies of his children, and that was being a good father. Well, on second thought, if all he could do about his kids' follies was pray for them, that was also a sign of weak fathering. And his wife not submitting to him was a surefire sign of being a weakling husband. Job sure was of a high spiritual caliber, but he wasn't able to pull his wife and kids up with him. He had weak influence over his family.

See the disadvantages of being rich, even if you're spiritual? Now, this does not mean being rich and spiritual is wrong. It only means the more we should have wisdom with family matters when wealth starts pouring in. Money can be a cruel master, though it is an excellent servant. 

Husbands and Fathers: Rediscover the Creator's Purpose for Men
Finally, we all have that propensity to blame God for all tragedies in life. Well, there are a few Jobs among us who blame themselves or the day they were born. Blaming God is simpler and gives comfort to the flesh. And some people are suicidal in their blame for God--they know that cursing God results to death--and yet they still do it. Amazing. At least, that's valuable lesson for us all---cursing God leads to death. And Job's wife's advice reminded us of that. 
The Book of the Patriarch Job, Translated from the Original Hebrew

Now, what if---what if Job were a strong husband and father? Would've things been different? I don't think so. The properties would still be crashed, his children would still be killed. Being a righteous husband and father doesn't make you immune to tests for spiritual promotion. The only difference would be that Job's wife's advice would've been very different. And that would have spelled all the difference!