Anyway. The usual issue is having enough for daily travel fares and meals--that's what house finances management is all about. Working from home (or at home) is still not a popular option for most people, and thus, in Manila, transportation allowance and meal expenses take up most of the budget pie--more so if there are 4 to 5 members per household. It's a good thing phone, Internet, electric, and water bills come only once a month.
So, how do we deal with these expenses? Well, it should be simple enough--reduce the times of going out. Is that possible? Not if you are employed. And chances are, you are. And this means you have to subtract from your weekend family dates; you'd have to spend most weekends with the family at home. Okay, what else?
I think we have to start seriously considering working online at home. It can be done. Anything can be done. It was unthinkable for women to be employed decades ago, much less to occupy top corporate positions. But today it's no big deal. It's just a matter of getting used to it. So why not pioneer it, for better house finances management?
The thing is to do it gradually. Continue your present job while devoting some time to starting your online job or business. Give it 6 months to a year, at least 3 hours a day. Start with monetized blogs. As the thing picks up, get ready to quit your offline job. I've ascertained that some guys earn $5000 a month just doing online blogs at home! Here in Manila! You hear that, Second Eves?
You pull that off--earn good money online by working at home--and you get quality time with family and do whatever you want. Spend vacation anytime! That's powerful family bonding. This works even well if you're in a church ministry. And just imagine how this would help you get more quality time with God and his Word! As it is, employed people spend a minimum of 12 hours a day for work, counting the traffic going to and from the office, preparation, and overtime. Then they spend 6 to 8 hours for sleep. No more quality time with God and the family. See?
All that has got to stop! And for us lower middle class who cannot afford a decent offline business ($500 or $1000 isn't enough), online livelihood is a good option. Monetized blogs and websites in particular. When money starts pouring in, it would be an effective house finances management. Okay, second Eves?